Thursday, January 21, 2010

I love yerba matte.

Breakfast: steel cut oats with maple syrup, toasted walnuts, and sliced banana
Snack: scone
Lunch: leftover udon noodle stuff
Snack: crackers and cheese
Dinner: seitan pot pie (pictures and recipe coming soon)
Dessert: chocolate tart

Breakfast: eggs and toast
Snack: carrots and hummus
Late Lunch/Early Dinner: Nodding Head! french dip and spanish fries
Dessert: chocolate ice cream with peanut butter and crushed homemade graham crackers (pictures and recipe coming soon, these are totally worth making from scratch)

Jesse's mom gave us some hope last night. She is a school bus driver, therefore has three months off every summer when school is not in session, and is able to collect unemployment during that time. Did you know that you do not have to get laid off in order to collect unemployment?! If you are available to work, and your job is not providing you with work, you can collect. So guess what? We are going to take advantage of this system that we have been paying into for years. The first week is a "waiting period", but after that you can collect. So starting next week, we should be getting something. If Jesse's job provides him with work again, great, he will work. Anytime from here on out, if they do not provide him with work, he can immediately start collecting again. You can start and stop it whenever you need to, and only have to deal with the one week "waiting period" once a year. It is a weird thing for us to have to do, but we are so grateful that we are able to.

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