She is breastfed, sleeps in bed with us, and I wear her on me a good deal of the time. Some people might call this attachment parenting, we call it, what works for us. I fell like I am an advocate for things like these, but I realize that everyone has their own way of doing things. Maple is only two months old (which is crazy!), but I already know how important it is to not force your opinions on other people, no matter how strongly you feel about them. With that said, I feel like the methods we use, help me to be the best mama that I can be. Being a parent is hard! Being a parent is also amazing. Her little body is sleeping on me right now, and right now there is no where else I would rather be, and nothing else I would rather be doing. Notice that I say, right now. Later tonight, or tomorrow, or next week, I might not feel the same way. It is hard losing your independence. Sometimes I want free hands, so I can cook a nice dinner for my husband, or water my plants, or practice my hula hooping skills (yes, Jesse and I just bought a hula hoop). Anyway, we are adjusting, and it is totally worth it. I feel like there is so much more to say, but my brain is not functioning at fully capacity yet.
Why Dialogue and Not Doctrine?
3 years ago